please go to personal webpages of steering group members to download these
Barz, M. (2011) Creating Space – Creative Space: The Hybridity of Prison Education Analysed through Subject and Object Interactions in Masson, I. ed. (2011) Conference proceedings 2nd conference Experiencing Prison ISBN 978-1-84888-096-2 available at:
Behlen, B. & Supianek-Chassay, C. (2016) ‘Fashioning the Pleasure Garden: Creating an Immersive Display at the Museum of London’, in M. M. Brooks and D. D. Eastop (eds), Predicaments in Conserving and Displaying Dress: Contributions to a Theory of Practice, Getty Conservation Institute 2016, forthcoming.
Degen, M. , Melhuish C.; Rose, G. (2015) “Producing Place Atmospheres Digitally: Architecture, Digital Visualisations Practices and the Experience Economy.” Journal of Consumer Culture, published online February 2015.
Degen, M. (2014) “The Everyday City of the Senses” in R. Paddison & E. McCann (eds.) Cities and Social Change, Sage, (invited contribution). pp37
Degen, M. & Rose, G. (2012) “Experiencing designed urban environments: the senses, walking and perceptual memory”, Urban Studies, Vol 49 (15), 3271-3287.
Buckingham, S. & Degen, M. (2012) “Sensing our way: using yoga as a research method”, Senses and Society, Vol 7 (3), 329 -344.
Degen, M.; Rose, G. & Basdas, B. (invited contribution) (2010) “Bodies and everyday practices in designed urban environments”, Science Studies, Vol. 23 (2), 60-76.
Madgin, R. (2009) Heritage, Culture and Conservation: Managing the Urban Renaissance, (Saarbrucken: VDM Verlag)
Madgin, R. (2013), A town without memory? Inferring the industrial past: Clydebank re-built, 1941-2013. In: Zimmerman, C. (ed.) Industrial Cities: History and Future. (Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag)
Madgin, R. Hastings, A. and Bradley, L. (revisions completed), Connecting physical and social dimensions of place attachment: What can we learn from attachment to urban recreational spaces? Journal of Housing and Built Environment, in press.
Puwar, N. & Sharma, S (2013) ‘Curating Sociology’, in Back & Puwar, Live Methods, Sociological Review, Vol.60, 40-63.
Puwar, N. (2012) ‘Mediations on Aaj Kaal’ (today, yesterday & tomorrow) in Puwar, N. & Gedalof, I Celebration Issue 100, Feminist Review, 121-141.
Puwar, N. (2011) ‘Noise of the Past: spatial interruptions of war, nation & memory’, Senses and Society, Vol. 6, No.2, 325-345.
Puwar, N. (2010) ‘Archi-texture of Parliament: Flaneur as Method in Westminster’, Journal of Legislative Studies, 16:3
Puwar, N. (2007) ‘Social Cinema Scenes’, Space and Culture, Vol.10, No.2, 253-270.
Rees Leahy, H. (2014) ‘Incorporating the Period Eye. Spectators at Exhibitions of Exhibitions.’ Senses and Society, Vol 9, Issue 3. pp. 284-295
Rees Leahy, (2012) Museum Bodies. The Politics and Practices of Visiting and Viewing, Ashgate.
Rees Leahy, H. (2009) ‘Watch your step: Embodiment and Encounter at Tate Modern’, ed. Sandra Dudley, Museum Materialities, Routledge. pp. 162-174.
Rees Leahy, H. (2007) ‘ “Walking for Pleasure?” Bodies of Display at the Manchester Art-Treasures Exhibition’, Art History, Vol 30. no.4, pp. 543-563.
Rees Leahy, H. (2010) ‘Watching me, watching you. Performance and Performativity in the Museum’, Tony Jackson and Jenny Kidd eds, Performance, Learning, Heritage, Manchester University Press, pp. 39-52.
Rhys-Taylor, A., 2014a. Urban Sensations: A Retrospective of Multisensory Drift., in: Howes, D. (Ed.), A Cultural History of the Senses in the Modern Age, 1920-2000. Bloomsbury, London, New York, pp. 55–76.
Rhys-Taylor, A., 2014b. Intersemiotic Fruit: Mangoes, Multiculture and the City, in: Jones, H., Jackson, E. (Eds.), Stories of Cosmopolitan Belonging: Emotion and Location.
Rhys-Taylor, A., 2013a. The essences of multiculture: a sensory exploration of an inner-city street market. Identities 20, 393–406. doi:10.1080/1070289X.2013.822380
Rhys-Taylor, A., 2013b. Disgust and distinction: the case of the jellied eel. The Sociological Review 61, 227–246. doi:10.1111/1467-954X.12015
Rose, G., Degen, M. & Melhuish, C., 2015. Dimming the scintillating glow of unwork: looking at digital visualisations of urban redevelopment projects. In S. Jordan & C. Lindner, eds. Cities Interrupted: Visual Culture, Globalisation and Urban Space. London: Bloomsbury.
Degen, M.M. & Rose, G., 2012. The sensory experiencing of urban design: the role of walking and perceptual memory. Urban Studies, 49(15), pp.3269–3285.
Rose, G., 2012. The question of method: practice, reflexivity and critique in visual culture studies. In I. Heywood & B. Sandywell, eds. The Handbook of Visual Culture. Oxford: Berg, pp. 542–558.
Rose, G., 2009. Who cares for which dead and how? British newspaper reporting of the bombings in London, July 2005. Geoforum, 40(1), pp.46–54.
Degen, M., DeSilvey, C. & Rose, G., 2008. Experiencing visualities in designed urban environments: learning from Milton Keynes. Environment and Planning A, 40(8), pp.1901 – 1920.
Rose, G., 1995. Place and identity: a sense of place. In P. Jess & D. Massey, eds. A Place in the World?. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 87–118.
Ross, C. (2013) ‘Occupy Collecting’, History Workshop Journal, issue 75, Spring, 237-246.
Ross, C. (2014) ‘Lessons from the New World’, in Advancing Museum Practices, edited Francesca Lanz and Elena Montanari, Allemandi & Co., Turin, 49 -55.
Ross, C. (2015) ‘From Migration to Diversity and Beyond: The Museum of London Approach’, in Museums, Migration and Identity in Europe: Peoples, Places and Identities, ed. Christopher Whitehead, Katherine Lloyd, Susannah Eckersley and Rhiannon Mason, Ashgate London, 61 – 80. [attached as separate document]
Cathy R.; Bennet, O. & Wilson, P. (2015) Designing Utopia: John Hargrave and the Kibbo Kift, Publishers / Museum of London, London. ISBN: 978 1 78130 040 4
Swenson, A. (2013) The Rise of Heritage: Preserving the Past in France, Germany and England, 1789-1914, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Swenson, A. (2013) ‘Sodom’ in David Gange and Michael Ledger-Lomas: Cities of God. Archaeology and the Bible in nineteenth century Britain, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Swenson, A. (2015) ‘Cologne Cathedral as an International Monument’, in Jan Rueger and Nicholas Wachsman, Rewriting German History, Palgrave MacMillan, London.