AHRC Sensory Cities Network

Programme Cologne


9:00am –  Registration and Coffee, NS-Dokumentationszentrum

9:15am – Welcome: Dr Mario Kramp (Director, Kölnisches Stadtmuseum) & Dr Werner Jung (Director, NS-Dokumentationszentrum )

9:30am – Monica Degen & Astrid Swenson (Brunel University London): The Sensory Cities Network: aims, findings, questions

10:00am – Presentations & Discussion: Designing with the senses

  • Hanna Katherina Goebel (Universität Hamburg, Institut für Bewegungswissenschaft), ‘Users without bodies. Material paradoxes of ‘socially’ engaged architecture’
  • Rainer Katzig École d’Architecture de Grenoble), Typical Atmosheres: an approach to facilitate communication on atmospheres’
  • Sandra Kurfürst (University of Cologne): Semiotics of urban space: producing and negotiating meaning in the city
  • Carolina Vasilikou (University of Kent): The doors of thermal perception in sensory research

Chair: Gillian Rose

11:15am – Coffee

11: 30am – Presentations & Discussion: Senses, Belongings, Contestations

  • Eva Herr (Stadt Köln – Dezernat Stadtentwicklung, Planen, Bauen und Verkehr): Current Challenges for City Planning in Cologne
  • Isabel Finkenberger (Studio if+ .Büro für Stadtentwicklung und räumliche Transformation, Cologne), Die Stadt von der anderen Seite sehen’/ Seeing the ciy from a different side‘
  • Arno Steffen (Musician and ARSCH HUH E.V), Music and the mobilisation of the city against racism (title tbc)
  • Tayfun Keltek, (Vorsitzender des Landesintegrationsrates NRW), The Integration of Migrants into the City

Chair: Monica Degen

1pm – Lunch and time to visit the NS-Dokumentationszentrum

2pm – Curating the Senses – Museum Tours in Kölnisches Stadtmuseum
Rita Wagner, Stefan Lewejohann and Sascha Pries : (Kölnisches Stadtmuseum) “Curating the Senses in the Cologne City Museum” – Guided Tours in German and English

3:00pm – Jochen Schmauck-Langer (dementia+art) – Dementia tour

3:45pm – Coffee – NS Dokumentationszentrum

4:00pm – Presentations & Discussion: Eigelstein: Visualising Sensory Histories – sensorialising visual histories 

  • Stefan Lewejohann (Kölnisches Stadtmuseum) – Eigelstein: History and Curation
  • Eusebius Wirdeier (photographer), ‘Fotografische Arbeit am Eigelstein’/Fotographic work on Eigestein’
  • Astrid Swenson (Brunel University): ‘In the Shadow of the Cathedral: writing sensory histories’

Chair: Rebecca Madgin

5:00pm – Fieldwork Methodologies

  • Manuela Barz (London Metropolitan University): Introduction to Digital Toolkit
  • Working groups meet

5:30pm – Final Discussion: Chairs: Astrid Swenson & Monica Degen

6pm – End of workshop

7pm – Dinner at Brauerei Päffgen

c. 10pm – Visit of NachtRaumStille Installation, St. Gereon (Lange Nacht der Kirchen) http://www.nachtraumstille.de/


9:00am – Meet at Dom for Fieldwork in Eigelstein.

12:00am – Lunch at Doy Doy

1:00pm – NS Dokumentationszentrum: Preparation for methods presentation

1:45pm – Exhibition proposal presentations

2:30pm – Coffee

2:45pm – Exhibition proposal presentations

3:30pm – Concluding Discussion: Astrid Swenson & Monica Degen

4:00pm – End of Workshop for Participants

4:00pm – Steering Group meeting till 5 pm

Recent Comments

    Sensory Cities

    MoniDegenMonica Degen
    RT @ProfGillian: Posthuman Agency in the Digitally Mediated City - my latest paper is online now and you can get a free copy here: https://…
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    _NinaJMNina Morris
    Great to see geographer @ProfGillian on Smile! The Nation's Family Album on @BBCFOUR #photographs
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    ProfGilliangillian rose
    honoured by this endorsement from someone using Stiegler in such interesting ways - thanks James! https://t.co/mtGfMgT1Bn
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    RT @allartmarkets: Representing the claim that smart data can make everything great @OliverZanetti @AMValdez_OU #digimethods https://t.co/8…
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    RT @allartmarkets: Making a city smart takes much more than data infrastructure @OliverZanetti @AMValdez_OU @ProfGillian #digimethods http…
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    allartmarketsLiz McFall
    Making a city smart takes much more than data infrastructure @OliverZanetti @AMValdez_OU @ProfGillian #digimethods https://t.co/KHtQQaCIEG
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