THURSDAY 16th of June, Sala Mirador, CCCB
9:30 am – Welcome Judit Carrera
Introduction to project: Monica Degen & Astrid Swenson (Brunel University
10:00 am – 11:30 am Barcelona in focus: History and Present
- Marta Tafalla (Barcelona University): Philosophy, social power and the Senses
- Joan Roca (Director of the Barcelona’s City History Museum): Displaying Urban History: Lessons Learned
- Mateu Hernandez (CEO of Barcelona Global – Branding): Barcelona’s reputation and the senses
Moderator: Monica Degen (Brunel University)
12:00 am – 1:30 pm The Senses and Power
- Lars Frers (University College of Southeast Norway): Confronting absence: Relation and difference in sensual engagements with the lived city
- Albert Arias (Director of Barcelona’s Strategic Plan for Tourism): Tourism beyond the gaze. Senses, affects and encounters
- Albert Sales/Carlos Delclós (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona): A Sense of Exclusion: Poverty, otherness and the senses
Moderator: Astrid Swenson (Brunel University)
3:30 pm – 5 pm El Raval and the Senses
- Joan Subirats (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona) Calle Hospital: a political analysis
- Anna Terra (Director of Foment Ciutat, SA): Planning el Raval and the Senses
- Merce Amor (Dialegs de Dona – migrant woman cooperative): Social Integration in el Raval
Moderator: Carlos Declos (CCCB Barcelona)
5:20 pm – 6 pm Sensory Methodologies
Ilaria Sartori (Director at Barcelona Sonora) Barcelona through Sound
- Giovanna Pezzullo and Stephane Laident (Teatro de los Sentidos) The Theatre of the Senses
Moderator: Manuela Barz (London Metropolitan University)
- Methods working groups
6 pm – 6:30 pm Concluding discussion
FRIDAY 17th of June. C/Hospital, starting at Pl. Sant Agustí.
9:30 am – 1 pm Explorative fieldwork
2:30 pm – 3 pm Prepare methods presentation at CCCB/coffee
3 pm – 4 pm Presentations
4 pm – 5 pm Summary Discussion