Welcome & Introduction: Monica Degen & Astrid Swenson
Keynote Lecture : Gillian Rose (Cultural Geography, Open University): ‘Smart, sensory, sensible: embodying the city’
Round table 1: The Nature and Culture of the Senses
Chair: Jill Steward (History, Newcastle University)
- Marta Tafalla (Philosophy, Autonomous University of Barcelona)
- Astrid Swenson (History, Brunel University London)
- Alex Rhys-Taylor (Sociology, Goldsmith)
- Manuela Barz (Digital Design, London Metropolitan University)
Artistic Intervention: Kate McLean (Information Experience Design, RCA & Grafic Design, CCCU)
Round table 2: Curating the Sensory City
Chair: Robin Skeates (Archaeology, Durham University)
- Cathy Ross & Beatrice Behlen (Museum of London)
- Carlos Delclos & David Bravo (Centre for Contemporary Culture Barcelona)
- Rita Wagner & Sascha Pries (City Museum of Cologne)
Round table 3: Designing the Sensory City
Chair: Michael Hebbert (Bartlett School of Planning, UCL)
- Rebecca Madgin (Urban Planning, University of Glasgow)
- Chris Miele (Montagu Evans LLP)
- Stefano Faiella (Threesixty Architecture, Glasgow)
- Carolina Vasilikou (Architecture, Reading University)
Concluding Comments: The Interdisciplinary City; Jill Steward, Michael Hebbert & Robin Skeates