AHRC Sensory Cities Network

Eva Herr (Stadt Köln – Dezernat Stadtentwicklung, Planen, Bauen und Verkehr): ‘Current Challenges for City Planning in Cologne’


Astrid Swenson (Brunel University): ‘In the Shadow of the Cathedral: writing sensory histories’ (video)


Press snippets from Cologne


Verrückte Forschung Kölle, wie ist dein Gefühl? Sinne erforschen die Stadt

Impressions from Cologne 1

Dr Mario Kramp (Director, Kölnisches Stadtmuseum)

Welcome Day 1 Presentation Day 2 Fieldwork – Groups presenting their findings

Impressions from Cologne 2


Museum visit: Koelner Stadtmuseum Visit of NachtRaumStille Installation, St. Gereon NS-Dokumentationszentrum

Die Stadt der Sinne


Wie nehmen wir die Stadt um uns herum war? Wie gestalten unsere verschiedene Sinne wie der Geruch, das Gehör, der Geschmack, das Sehvermögen oder der Berührungssinn unsere tägliche Erfahrung des Stadtlebens? Was unterscheidet das Straßenleben in Barcelona von dem in Köln? Und welche Auswirkungen haben unsere Sinneswahrnehmungen für unser Zusammenleben und das Gestalten der Stadt […]

2nd International AHRC Sensory Cities Workshop in Cologne 26-27 February 2016


Below is the final programme for our 2nd international AHRC Sensory Cities workshop – see you in Köln ! FRIDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2015, NS-DOKUMENTATIONSZENTRUM & STADTMUSEUM COLOGNE 9:00am –  Registration and Coffee, NS-Dokumentationszentrum 9:15am – Welcome: Dr Mario Kramp (Director, Kölnisches Stadtmuseum) & Dr Werner Jung (Director, NS-Dokumentationszentrum ) 9:30am – Monica Degen & Astrid Swenson (Brunel University London): […]

Report from AHRC Sensory Cities London Workshop


AHRC Sensory Cities Network LONDON WORKSHOP REPORT 23rd and 24th of OCTOBER 2016 Museum of London By Monica Degen, Astrid Swenson & Manuela Barz In this document we summarize the key points that emerged from the presentations and discussion of the 1st international AHRC Sensory Cities Workshop in London. The workshop focused on urban planning […]

AHRC Sensory Cities London Workshop 23/24th October 2015


On the 23/24th of October the first international AHRC Sensory Cities took place in London. On the first day we had range of presentations and discussion around the importance of the senses in the built environment and in urban planning. Presentations included (podcasts will be uploaded in the next few weeks on this website): Euan […]

London workshop – Introduction (video)


Recent Comments

    Sensory Cities

    MoniDegenMonica Degen
    RT @ProfGillian: Posthuman Agency in the Digitally Mediated City - my latest paper is online now and you can get a free copy here: https://…
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    Great to see geographer @ProfGillian on Smile! The Nation's Family Album on @BBCFOUR #photographs
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    honoured by this endorsement from someone using Stiegler in such interesting ways - thanks James! https://t.co/mtGfMgT1Bn
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    Making a city smart takes much more than data infrastructure @OliverZanetti @AMValdez_OU @ProfGillian #digimethods https://t.co/KHtQQaCIEG
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